The two pictures may look the same at first, but they have some difference such as figure A where in the left picture you see a hand holding a ruler with a blue tape and in the right picture you see the plant that shows an environment and see more things that was shown in the left figure. There is a different font one is bigger than the other one.
Figure B shows how the left figure was taken with high resolution camera that captures more the shape of the plant and their colors better. A ruler was used recording 12cm as the height of the plant. In the other figure you can hardly see the measurement of the plant taken in a different angle and you can also see another plant in the back that wasn’t in the first picture of the B figure.
Figure C shows that this are taken from different angles and their colors changes in the left picture and the right picture. Again, it seems this picture was taken in a different time of day
My Inference was the time of day, zooming of the camera and some objects that are in the first picture that are not in the rest of the pictures.Perhaps the person of the original figure did not specify the measurements or angles so that the other person could match it as much as posiible.
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