One major difference in the two sets of images is the size of the pictures within the panel. The one on the right has differnt sized images and they don't allign in the same, neat way that the left side does. This is something that probably resulted from unclear methods because the person creating the second image set was unable to recreate exactly what the first person did.
Some differences also occur in the lighting of the pictures so they were likely taken at different times of the day, or if at the same times just on different days so the sun wasn't in the same place.
The lettering of the pictures also does not match, the letters on the right hand side are smaller but they are in the same color and font and the images are labeled correctly. The sizing and placement are just not in sync. The overall size of both panels is also not consistent and the image on the right lacks the black border.
The bottom two pictures in each set also seem to be taken from different angles and perhaps different branches. The methods used for describing the figure set might not have been clear enough in describing these scenes.
The angles of the picture of the tree, the top two in both pictures was also taken from a different angle.
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