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Methods draft part 2

Submitted by cdkelly on Thu, 09/20/2018 - 21:09

To prepare the figure, each image was imported to Microsoft Paint and uniformly cropped. The map view was acquired via a screenshot of the University of Massachusetts campus on the website For the image of the spider web itself, a black horizontal line was drawn across the center of quarter to get the width, and then placed above it. Two ends were fitted with equivalent vertical black lines that were about one fourth the length of the first line. “24.25 mm” was entered into the text creation tool and placed directly above the horizontal line. This allowed for the scale of the web to be adequately shown. For the image depicting the location of the web, a small red circle was drawn with the shapes tool in paint and placed so that it encompassed the position of the web.

Next, the screenshot of the map was brought into paint and subsequently cropped so that the Student Union building was clearly displayed at the center. A red dot was placed at the exact location of the web and black line was extended off of it to the right at a slight angle.At the terminal end of the newly placed line, a black outline of a rectangular box was created. The word “location” was put inside of the box.
