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Chemistry Acid Concentration Lab - Draft

Submitted by sbrownstein on Thu, 09/20/2018 - 12:08

The hydronium concentrations was found by using the pH halfway through the jump in pH change and using logarithms to isolate the concentration. The hydronium concentration that was calculated for the Sprite and NaOH reaction was 8.91E-9 M. This concentration was correlated, yet not similar to the citric acid concentration found in the previous experiment: 4.027E-9 M. This could be due to human error, such as adding too much base when trying to control the pH measurements. The calculated hydronium concentration in Coke and NaOH reaction was 1.02E-8 M. This concentration was similar to the phosphoric acid concentration found in the previous experiment: 1.07E-5 M. The hydronium concentrations that were calculated equal the Ka of half of the reaction. This is why we were able to solve for the hydronium concentrations by looking at the jumps in pH change as the volume of base increased.

