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Ovipary and vivipary

Submitted by mtracy on Tue, 09/18/2018 - 15:02

                There a numerous methods of reproduction. For instance, many organisms reproduce through a method known as ovipary. This simply means that the organism lays their eggs. The eggs may be fertilized before or after laying. A secondy method is known is vivipary. In organisms that reproduce by vivipary, they will hold their eggs until hatching. Vivipary comes in two forms, Lecithotropy and Matrotrophy, which is defined by the method of nutrients given to the embryo. During Lecithotrophy, the embryo is sustained by lecithin found in the yolk of the egg. Matrotrophy adds additional methods of sustaining the embryo. These methods include: Oophagy, Adelphophagy, Placentation, Epithliotrophy, and Dermatotrophy. During Oophagy, the mother will produce additional eggs, which may or may not be fertilized, which the current embryo will feed on. Adelphophagy is very similar in that an embryo will feed on other embryos within the mother. Placentation simply connects the embryo to the mother’s circulatory system, allowing it to gain nutrients from the mother more directly. During Epithliotrophy, the mother produces a lining within her womb, which the embryo may ingest for further nutrients. This too is similar to Dermatotrophy, in which the embryo will ingest parts of the mother’s outer skin for nutrients. These methods will allow for an offspring to be larger and thus more viable, however it requires a substantial energy sacrifice for the mother.
