By generating a Lokta-Volterra model and analyzing the results of this competition, the outcome of the competition between C. maculate (Species 1) and E. Civile (Species 2) can be determined as reaching stable equilibrium. This outcome will be most likely to occur based on the data points present in the model which in turn generates isocline 1, isocline 2, and four separate arrow sets in the respective zones that all point to a central, stable equilibrium point. In Zone 1, below both of the isoclines, the populations of both competing species will increase. In Zone 2, which is found above Species 2 (E. Civile) isocline and below Species 1 (C. maculate) isocline, the population size of Species 1 will increase and the population size of Species 2 will decrease. In Zone 3, which is found above both species isoclines the population of both Species 1 and Species 2 will decrease. In Zone 4, which is found above Species 1 isocline and below Species 2 isocline the population size of Species 1 will decrease and the population size of Species 2 will increase.
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