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Summary Critique Hoary Bat Paper

Submitted by jmalloldiaz on Thu, 10/04/2018 - 14:45

Based on the fact that female bats usually travel longer distances than males, there should be areas populated mostly by individuals of one sex or the other. If this is true, when the researchers collected samples in New Mexico it is possible that some individuals had already been travelling for a longer time than others, in which case the physiological mechanisms involved in migration may differ because some bats would be at the peak of their performance while others would be on their way to that optimal state. It is mentioned as well that the wintering ranges of the hoary bat are poorly documented, and there is no data in the paper referring to accurate distances travelled during migration, for which further studies with tracking devices should be performed.

Regarding the fatty acid transporter data, the researchers only studied the mRNA expression of these proteins, but the actual levels of the proteins that got translated were not measured. The study did not consider that if there is no need for upregulation the actual amount of proteins present may be significantly high despite having low levels of mRNA expression.



I believe that the start of the paragraph which states "Based on the fact that..." should simply be replaced with "Considering that...." This is simpler but I think it still sounds better than stating "based on the fact" in a scientific paper. Very good parahraph by the way! Very informative!

Good paragraph! My one suggestion would be to break up the second sentence in the first paragraph into two sentences. Finish the first sentence after '...longer time than others.' Other than that great paragraph. 

Good job, the only thing is you used a lot of commas. Especially in the second parargraph. Maybe you could break them up into separate ideas?