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Stats draft

Submitted by curbano on Fri, 10/19/2018 - 10:32

Statistics can be applied to a variety of subjects. In statistics, we learned how to read and interpret graphs and other forms of data. Being able to understand and analyze data helps us improve our thinking and analytical skills. Additionally, statistics helps us design effective methods for data collection, analyze that data correctly, and share that data effectively. While it may differ, data analysis is used in many fields and has become an important skill for many jobs.

The main thing I remember from statistics are the probability tests. These tests allows us to see if the data we have has any significance. If the data is significant, that means the results were not just due to chance. Learning how to carry out these tests taught me the importance of sample size, paying attention to detail, and interpreting data. Additionally, outliers can affect the results. These tests are often used in scientific papers, so it is important to understand what those tests mean.


