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The spider

Submitted by jkswanson on Fri, 09/07/2018 - 15:24

The spider is small, about three quarters of an inch and is suspended in the middle of the cup on its web.  You cannot see the web though so it looks as if it is floating.  It is awhite and black spider with a small body seperated into two parts.  The body kind of looks like an exclamation mark in microsoft word, the top being long and thi leaving into a circular part.  The 8 legs are coming off of this ciruclar part and are about 4 times the length of the body.  Each leg has two large bends and one slight bend.  the legs all come off the circular part going up at amost a 90 degree angle. At the first bend in the spiders legs, there is a band of black witha a stripe of whitegoing across it in the middle of the joint.

 As for behavior, the spider doesn't like to be on the cup itself, he likes to be on the web atlwast partially.  Shaking and tapping of the cup itself casued the spider to move.  It was trying to get out whenever the cup was moved.  If i covered the spot where the spider was then it would move to an open part of the cup and poke at the cup.
