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Specific Aims and Background Draft 2

Submitted by jmalloldiaz on Thu, 11/01/2018 - 09:46

The aim of this study is to determine if crab spiders show any preference towards backgrounds of different colors. Due to its ambush hunting strategy and ability to change color, we hypothesize that when given the choice between two options, Misumena vatia will choose the most optimal background in regards to its actual body coloration.

In Test 1 we will study spider preference between yellow and white backgrounds.

In Test 2 we will study spider preference between dark gray and light gray backgrounds.

In Test 3 we will study spider preference between white and gray backgrounds.

In Test 4 we will study spider preference between cyan and green backgrounds.

In Test 5 we will study spider preference between magenta and red backgrounds.

In Test 6 we will study spider preference between abstract and a simple backgrounds.
