There are a total of 11 differences visible when comparing panel A of the two figures. In Figure 1:A the lamp of the lightpost is on, shining light down onto the spiderweb. This light is absent in Figure 2:A. In Figure 1:A there is a ruler held to the left of the lightpost. This ruler is absent in Figure 2:A, however a student ID card is held beneath the spiderweb with a purple flower visible to the left in the background behind the lightpost. There is also a rockwall visible to the left of the lightpost in Figure 2:A. Less of the top jutting portion of the lightpost, which houses the lamp, is visible in Figure 1:A. This portion of the lightpost is wet in Figure 2:A. Figure 2:A also shows more of the sidewalk to the right of the lightpost, has the door to Morrill 1 visible in the background, and the brick wall of Morrill 1 visible to the left of the lightpost. Overall Figure 1:A is darker than Figure 2:A.
A total of 12 differences were observed between Panel B of the two figures. The lightpost present in Figure 1:B has its lamp turned on while it is off in Figure 2:B. The curb and sidewalk in front of the lightpost is visible in Figure 1:B. Nearly all of the tree behind the lightpost is visible in Figure 2:B while the top half is absent in Figure 1:B. Furthermore, the brick wall of Morrill 1 is visible behind the lightpost, including windows. Figure 1:B has the lower right of the door, but with the addition of a portion of brick wall which is absent in Figure 2:B. There is also a purple flower in Figure 2:B which is absent in Figure 1:B. There is a grey rectangluar structure imbeded in the ground present in each figure, however in Figure 1:B, the lightpost occludes this structure. Lastly, the ground and the top portion of the lamp is wet in Figure 2:B
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