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Results Draft

Submitted by cdkelly on Fri, 10/05/2018 - 00:17

Upon side-by-side comparison of the two figures, a number of similarities and differences were observed. Firstly, the web at the center of the original figure was successfully located and the correct images were obtained. Moreover, the overall orientation of the three images contained within the original figure were faithfully reproduced. In addition, the format of the three figure labels were the same and placed in the same locations as the original. The box labeling the location was the same dimensions and the line extended to it was the same thickness. As for the other labels on the figure, the correct colors were used in the replicate and the general use of them was recreated correctly for the most part.

    Although many components of the replicate were similar to the original, a number of dimorphisms were observed as well. Each of the labels in the top left corner of each image had slightly smaller text compared to the original. In the image of the web, the line showing the length of the quarter for reference was longer and did not correspond with the length of the quarter. In addition, the number over the line was written in a larger font. For both the photograph of the web and the location, the background was slightly different and moisture was visible in the replicate. Next, the circle highlighting the area of the web was larger and covered a wider space.

    The map portion of the replicate contained the most differences. Firstly, it encompassed a larger region compared to the original and was more congested with labels. The text covering the student union was larger in font size displayed in a straight line. As for the red dot marking the absolute location of the web, the replicate version was larger. In addition, the line extending to the box labeled “location” extended off to the left rather than the right. The line also connected to a different part of the location label box and made contact with the dot and the label.

