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Neglect of AIDS in US

Submitted by cwcasey on Fri, 11/30/2018 - 10:53


  • HIV was prevalent in US for of years prior to the first known case of AIDS

  • First recognized in NY and NJ in 1971, made its way to Cali and Georgia by 1979

  • 1980:

    • From October 1980 to May 1981 five homosexual men were treated for biopsy tested Pneumocystis carini pneumonia at THREE different hospitals, two had died

    • Reported by MS Gottlieb, MD, HM Schanker, MD, PT Fan, MD, A Saxon, MD, JD Weisman, DO, Div of Clinical Immunology-Allergy; Dept of Medicine, UCLA School of Medicine; I Pozalski, MD, Cedars-Mt. Siani Hospital, Los Angeles; Field services Div, Epidemiology Program Office, CDC.

  • 1981:

  • 1983:

    • 3,064 cases of AIDS were diagnosed

    • 1,292 People had died from complications to the disease

    • Government does nothing to acknowledge it

  • 1984:

    • 4,251 people had died

    • US Health and Human Services Secretary Margaret Heckler announced that Dr. Robert Gallo of the NCI had isolated AIDS virus -HTLV-III

    • Heckler-"We hope to have a vaccine [against AIDS] ready for testing in about two years.“ … "yet another terrible disease is about to yield to patience, persistence and outright genius

    • Government still does not acknowledge the existence of AIDS

  • 1985:

    • 5,636 people had died from AIDS


  • In total, 13,309 people died from complications to AIDS before it was recognized by the US government system as an issue to be tended too

