HIV was prevalent in US for of years prior to the first known case of AIDS
First recognized in NY and NJ in 1971, made its way to Cali and Georgia by 1979
From October 1980 to May 1981 five homosexual men were treated for biopsy tested Pneumocystis carini pneumonia at THREE different hospitals, two had died
Reported by MS Gottlieb, MD, HM Schanker, MD, PT Fan, MD, A Saxon, MD, JD Weisman, DO, Div of Clinical Immunology-Allergy; Dept of Medicine, UCLA School of Medicine; I Pozalski, MD, Cedars-Mt. Siani Hospital, Los Angeles; Field services Div, Epidemiology Program Office, CDC.
By July 1981, 41 cases of aggressive Kaposi Sarcoma (rare form of relatively benign cancer found in the elderly) among homosexual men in New York and California
8 victims died in 24 months or less
By the end of 1981 121 people had died
3,064 cases of AIDS were diagnosed
1,292 People had died from complications to the disease
Government does nothing to acknowledge it
4,251 people had died
US Health and Human Services Secretary Margaret Heckler announced that Dr. Robert Gallo of the NCI had isolated AIDS virus -HTLV-III
Heckler-"We hope to have a vaccine [against AIDS] ready for testing in about two years.“ … "yet another terrible disease is about to yield to patience, persistence and outright genius
Government still does not acknowledge the existence of AIDS
5,636 people had died from AIDS
In total, 13,309 people died from complications to AIDS before it was recognized by the US government system as an issue to be tended too
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