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Methods 3 draft

Submitted by curbano on Tue, 09/25/2018 - 18:19

I placed the map underneath the two other photos with the coordinates x: 0.00 and y: 39.031. The width of the map is 190.613 and the height is 128.058. You can see/enter coordinates underneath the Extensions and Zoom commands. To complete the multi-panel figure, I made boxes to label each figure. To make a box, I clicked the “create rectangles and squares” button located on the left side underneath the ruler icon. I adjusted the height and width of the box to 18.517 x 18.517. I clicked on the Fill and Stroke icon located to the left of the Text icon. I selected the white fill and the solid, black line for the dashees and the width for the line is 2.642 mm. I then created two copies of it by selecting copy once and selecting paste twice. I put one of the boxes at coordinates x: 76.37 and y: 278.50 and put a bold, size 36 Times New Roman “A.” in that box. I put the second box at x: 171.08 and y: 278.55 and put a “B.” in the box. I repeated that with a “C.” and I put the box at x: 172.141 and y: 149.074. the A., B., and C. all are bold and 36 Times New Roman font. I then clicked the star and polygon button and put a small, black star at x: 90.58 and y: 131.85 with a height and width of 6.4 mm. The star should be in the corner of Morrill IV. I saved the multi-panel figure and exported it as a png image.

