Following up on my work on sensory priming during the past semester and this summer, I will continue running arena trials with a new generation of P. princeps in order to study the behavioral responses of jumping spiders towards visual and acoustic stimuli. My experiments consisted of introducing a jumping spider in an arena so that it walked into a viewing chamber were pictures suddenly appeared in an iPod screen. The pictures were of a wasp (a potential predator), a cricket (a preferred prey), and a beetle (a neutral stimulus). Each spider was shown one image per trial and during the sound trials a speaker played a wasp buzzing sound for 5 seconds every 2 minutes. Since the trials were run between the end of the Spring semester and this summer, it is possible that the effect of age influenced the spider’s response towards the stimuli, because jumping spiders are very visual and still they showed little response towards the pictures.
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Perfect Paragraphs
Each week, post your own Perfect Paragraph and comment on three Perfect Paragraphs. Suggest improvements. Don't just say "Looks good."
Recent comments
- Looks good! I think it would 6 years 2 months ago
- Looks good! It might be 6 years 2 months ago
- Looks good! Maybe add a 6 years 2 months ago
- Unless this was done in a 6 years 2 months ago
- Rather than saying your 6 years 2 months ago
- Clarification regarding comments 6 years 2 months ago
- I think the scientific names 6 years 3 months ago
- I would proofread for grammar 6 years 3 months ago
- I think the first comma in 6 years 3 months ago
- Well written paragraph. My 6 years 3 months ago
In the sentence discussing
In the sentence discussing your research, you said "viewing chamber were pictures suddeny" but I think it shoud be "viewing chamber where pictures suddenly", so just a quick edit to make. Remember to be more thorough when proof reading but otherwise the paragraph is interesting and has good content.
I feel like you can simplify
I feel like you can simplify the sentence stating: "My experiments consisted of introducing a jumping spider in an arena so that it walked into a viewing chamber were pictures suddenly appeared in an iPod screen." Rather than explaining that the spider would walk into the viewing chamber, it may be easier and clearer to just state that "In my experiment a spider was introduced to an arena which included a viewing area. In this viewing area images would suddenly apparear on an iPod screen."