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Figure explaination draft

Submitted by cdkelly on Tue, 09/18/2018 - 23:47

I thought that this figure was detailed yet understandable. The way that all of the information was presented was done in a way that it was clear, and the results are easily understandable. In part A of the figure, they show the expression of the transgene that allows for synaptic activation via a basal light source. Then in part B they display how the light was mounted to the model organism at the center of the experiment. In part C, each dot on the graph shows one subject in the experiment, and an effect is clearly demonstrated before and after the light in the form of a laser is activated; each line and dot represents one mouse. Finally, part D of the figure shows the EEG reading resulting from the aforementioned light stimulation in the form of a laser directed to a specific region of the rodents brain. Overall, I found that this figure was digestible and well constructed.

