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Figure comparison

Submitted by cdkelly on Fri, 09/28/2018 - 14:05

I immediately observed that the figures had a lot of dimorphisms. The three images were all quite different across the original figure and the replicate. The original images were more zoomed in and centered, and they did not include any arrows for indication. On the other hand, the replicate had pink arrows designating the area of the subject, and the images were further zoomed out. On the original figure, the label boxes were placed in the bottom left corner of each of the parts of the figure. The replica had them in the top left corner and they were much larger. The first and second image of the original figure show the same area, but the grass looks darker and the shadows projecting from the flagpoles moved. The most similar parts of the two figures were the placement of the images and their sizes they were both very similar in that regard. Each image was placed under the one before it, and they were all uniform in size for both of the figures. In the first part of the figure, the sidewalk leading into Whitmore is not present, but in the second, it is. Most notably, the bush at the bottom of the figure is not present in the first image on both of the figures.

    With all of these observations in mind, I would infer that the methods for how the original figure was created were vague. They probably did not specify how zoomed in the locations were, or how they chose to frame them. Also, I think that it’s safe to assume that they did not give specifics to the placement or construction of the labels. But since all of the images in the figure were organized in same way across both of the figures and the sizes were so similar, I believe that that part was clear.

    Because there was a very similar movement of shadows from the first part of the figure to the second part, I assume the map images were taken at different times in the day. This would explain the difference in shadow placement. Due to the fact that the bush at the bottom of the image or the sidewalk leading into Whitmore is not present in the first part of both figures but is there in the second means that these images were taken at separate times.  Nonetheless, these inferences pertaining to the way that the methods were constructed could all be wrong because the methods may have detailed all of these things but the person tasked with copying them just didn’t put in enough effort.
