I am happy with my exam grade, but there are some things that I could improve on. When I was studying for the exam, I redid the homework problems and textbook problems. I also went through the class slides and went over any class activities that we did because these were helpful application problems. While studying, I also went through all of the objectives and wrote down all of the information I knew off the top of my head for each topic; I then studied more and added to the objectives as I studied new information. For the next exam, I am going to go over more problems that incorporate new concepts into the material. These questions will most likely come from the textbook. I will try to work with a study partner so we can come up with new ways of thinking about the concepts. It also helps to talk about the information because studies show that people who are able to teach a subject have a better understanding of it. Lastly, I will write out the “hows” and “whys” for the pathways and concepts. This way I will understand how and why the pathways happen in real life rather than memorizing the information. It is helpful to apply these concepts to real life and make the pathways sound like a story so that they are easier to understand.
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