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Draft Writing TA Review

Submitted by jnduggan on Fri, 09/14/2018 - 02:23

A. Draw how a species in the Southern hemisphere will shift due to an increase in temperature.

A species in the Southern hemisphere will move south due to an increase in temperature as a result of climate change.


B.  How and why does this shift differ from the way a species in the Northern hemisphere would shift?  

A species in the Northern hemisphere would shift more northward in an effort to maintain the climate they are accustomed to.  The temperature is usually colder towards the poles due to the sun’s interaction with the surface. (Maybe in the session ask why it is colder by the poles- the sun has to travel through more atmosphere and the same amount of energy from the sun is distributed over a relatively larger area than it is at the equator.)


C. What are some factors that could prevent them from shifting effectively?

The organism’s rate of transition may be too slow to keep up with the rising temperatures.  If the organism cannot move towards the poles or up a mountain fast enough, they could potentially become extinct due to their environment becoming too harsh for them to tolerate.  Another factor could be that their food source could not shift at the same rate that the organism did. The new area that the organism shifts to may still not suit the organism’s ideal climate either.  

2. How and why do carbon levels fluctuate throughout the year?  

Atmospheric carbon levels are higher during the fall and winter months and lower during the spring and summer months.  Carbon levels fluctuate throughout the year due to the fluctuating level of plant activity. During the spring and summer months, the plants are thriving and therefore more photosynthesis is occurring.  During photosynthesis, the plants take in carbon dioxide, reducing the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. During the winter months, the plants are less active and therefore more carbon is left in the atmosphere.

