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Discussion Draft - Part 1

Submitted by jmalloldiaz on Thu, 11/01/2018 - 19:16

Magpies, cockatiels, and doves have different morphologies and flight styles, which affect their respective power curves. Magpies have a relatively small aspect ratio (5) and long tails, while the aspect ratio of cockatiels and doves is higher (7.0 and 5.7), and they have shorter tails. The morphology of a magpie restricts their maximum flight speed, because they have more profile drag and a smaller thrust/drag ratio. Meanwhile, cockatiels and doves have more optimal thrust/drag ratios and their maximum flight speed is limited by the power output of their pectoralis muscles. Regarding the effect of flight style on power curves, magpies follow an intermittent pattern, while cockatiels and doves are capable of constant flight for hours.
