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Discussion draft

Submitted by curbano on Sun, 10/14/2018 - 11:02

There are six main factors and reasons for why the original and the replicated figures came out differently. The angle of the camera, the positioning of the photographer, the lighting, the type of pencil used, the interpretation of the methods, and nonspecific instructions are the factors that led to the differences observed in the two multi-panel figures.

The angle of the camera as well as the position of the person holding the camera led to differences in the photographs used for Panel A and Panel B. Since the replicated Panel B has the ceiling of the building, it seems like my partner’s camera was pointed upward while mine was straight on. Additionally, my partner did not include as much of the rug, wall, or doorway as I did. This is most likely due to them standing closer to the Morrill 4 sign than I did. In the duplicated Panel A, the photograph is focused on the radiator pipe rather than the spider web. While I did state to take the photo 6 inches away from the wall while facing the doorway, they may not have completely understood what I meant.

