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Discussion Draft

Submitted by sbrownstein on Thu, 10/11/2018 - 23:37

The differences observed between the two figures are partially due to the lack of detail explaining where the web was located, which symbols were present on the map, what font and size the lettered labels were. The differences among the arrow and lettered labels were due to the incomplete outcome based on the procedure given. The main difference between the two figures was that the web used by the reader was not the web used in the original figure. This may be due to the limited detail given in the methods section about the location of the web. The relative location on campus and the building was described in the methods section given to the reader. Yet, I could have explained which side of the hallway the groove of the wall was found depending on the staircase the reader approached from. This would have narrowed down the location of the web in the third floor hallway of Morrill II and reduced the chance of variability in the result. The specifications made in the Methods section as to what camera angle and settings, such as flash, were not very clear and may have led to some confusion for the reader when trying to recreate the figure.

