Assess and explain in an organized way the observed differences:
The first difference I observed between my figure and the replicate, was that the replicate was narrower and the red star indicating the location of the spider web was in the wrong place.
Regarding the differences in length and width between the original and the replicate figures, I did not specify in my methods how long it should be. Nonetheless, I did mention to place the red star over the location where the pictures were taken, which in this case was close to the furthest left corner of Franklin Permaculture Garden as you face it when coming from Morrill.
As well, the size of the letters was significantly greater in the replicate version, and the letters in the original are closer to the left upper corner than in the replicate.
I did mention to place the letters on the upper left corner of each image, but failed to specify that they should be closer to the corner. As well, I made no references to the size of the letters, which is the reason why in the replicate they are bigger than in the original.
Regarding picture A, the replicate version has more brightness and shows part of the ground behind the bush.
The differences between the original picture A and its replicate can be related to differences in image quality due to using different cameras, but mostly are due to not describing with further detail the positioning of the camera. The same holds true for picture B.
Picture B in the replicate was taken further away than the original so it includes more background and buildings, but it doesn't have the green sign to the right.
In the methods I mentioned that in order to take this picture the reader should take three steps backwards, but the difference in height and gait of each individual made this an inaccurate description, since the replicate was taken further away than the original. Nonetheless, I did specify to include the green sign to the right, which the replicate failed to do.
As well, picture B in the replicate was taken in a straight angle, while in the original ot was taken pointing down to focus on the bush with the web, which probably distorted the brightness of the picture too by making it brighter.
Once again, the differences in brightness and angles in picture B are due to not having described with more precision the positioning and settings of the camera.
Picture C in the replicate shows a larger area of the map than the original figure.
The replicate figure C encompasses all the buildings I described in the methods, but it covers a larger area than the original due to not specifying that once the screenshot covered my list of buildings, the rest of the picture should have been cropped.
Finally, there is a small gap between A and B in the replicate, which is filled in grey but is not part of either picture.
Regarding the small grey gap in the replicate figure between A and B, I did specify in the methods to display the elements so that they were touching each other, in which case there would be no gaps in-between the pictures.
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