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Biodiversity Lab Cont #2 - Draft

Submitted by sbrownstein on Wed, 09/19/2018 - 10:31

Based on the results collected by our group the next step in our experiment would be to identify the type of plant that was predominantly found on the hilly area and examining other hilly areas to find if the same type of plant dominates those places, as well to add to the concept that the plants found on the hilly area are more fit for survival on a hill than other plants. In this case, the hypothesis would be “Hilly areas will be dominated by species more fit for survival on a slope compared to flat areas that provide nutrients for more diversity.” By doing this, we would be able to further support our hypothesis of hilly areas being lower in diversity, and determine if the new hypothesis is correct. However, for this experiment, different climate factors would have to be taken into consideration since certain plants cannot grow in certain temperatures. To ensure that the results would be as precise as possible, doing the data collection at the same time of the year (springtime) as the data already collected in this experiment would be crucial. Though the results would still vary because of amounts of sunlight. precipitation, etc., there would be a greater chance that the data would be closer to the data that was found in the hilly area.

