The Great Gatsby boasts a popular anachronistic music score. The film features songs that were constructed specifically for the film and pre-existing songs. The movie was underscored by The Bryan Ferry Orchestra who typically play retro-jazz music. Much of the music in the film is a fusion of jazz and hip-hop. The hip-hop music in the film is by popular artists that are still creating music today like Kanye West, Jay - Z, Beyoncé, and others. The music of the score is different than a lot of other film scores. The music does not confine itself to either jazz or hip-hop, which adds to the film's diegesis. By combining 1920s and modern elements both visually and sonically the film captivates the modern audience while also showcasing important aspects of the 1920s.
Great start! This paragraph
Great start! This paragraph is well spoken and easy to understand, but I think some of the sentences are a bit choppy. It is great to use short/simple sentences, but in order to add some complexity to the paragraph I would consider adding some longer sentences using transition words so that the sentence flow is better. For example, "the music of the score is different than a lot of other film scores" is a good sentence, but sounds a little plain. To add to it, you could use phrases like, 'therefore" or even explain the sentence a bit more. Having long and short sentences together might add to the content of the paragraph.
I may be nit-picking a little
I may be nit-picking a little bit but there does not seem to be much of a flow to this paragraph. Some sentences certainly do flow together well.However, the core of the paragraph seems to repeatedly start sentences with "The" followed by some fact about the film and its music.
Great job!
My only suggestion might be to fuse some of your sentences together for a better flow.
Life sciences
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