Directed by Baz Luhrmann, The Great Gatsby (2013) tells the story of Nick Carraway, (Tobey Maguire) a man who moved to New York to get his shot at the booming stock market in the 1920s, but whose life is turned upside down when he gets dragged into the lives of the extremely wealthy. Nick must make many decisions that conflict with his morals, as he teeters between the love life of Jay Gatsby (Leonardo DiCaprio) and Daisy Buchanan (Carey Mulligan). This story is narrated by Carraway in flashback as he talks to his psychiatrist about the time that he spent with the rich. In this paper, I discuss how the features of the anachronistic score of the film are used to portray a realistic look at the culture and values of the 1920s, while also showcasing the energy that was behind such a “roaring” time.
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