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In-class Exercise

List of my days activities

Submitted by nkantorovich on Fri, 09/13/2019 - 15:34
  • I woke up this morning. (5)

  • I checked my phone. (5)

  • I put on my contacts. (2)

  • I got dressed. (10)

  • I brushed my teeth. (5)

  • I walked to the bus stop. (5)

  • I got on the bus. (1)

  • I walked to Frank. (5)

  • I ate breakfast. (25)

  • I walked to my physics class. (5)

  • I took notes (50 min)

  • I left my class (2)

  • I walked to work. (5)

  • I worked. (60)

  • I left work (2)

  • I walked to my Plant ecology class. (10)

  • I took notes (50 min)

  • I left that class (2)

  • I walked to my Neurobio class. (10)

  • I took notes (50)

  • I left that class (2)

  • I walked to MorrilI. (5)

  • I bought a snack.  (5)

  • I walked to my writing in Biology class. (5)

  • I ate my snack in the BCRC.(5)



  • Morning Activities

  • Transportation throughout the day

  • In-class Activities

  • Eating on campus

  • Transitions in the day


Transportation throughout the day:

Transportation takes up a large portion of my day. Walking is the primary form of transportation that I used on campus. I spent 50 minutes of my day today waking while I spent 10 minutes using other forms of transportation. I will list the breakdown of my day based on these forms of transportation. I walked to the bus stop and I got on the bus. I got off the bus at the first stop on campus and I walked to Frank. After a period of time, I walked to my physics class. At the end of my class, I walked to work. From there, I walked to my Plant ecology class. After that, I walked to my Neurobio class. At the end of that class, I walked to MorrilI II. From Morril II, I walked to my writing in Biology class.

My day

Submitted by mpetracchi on Fri, 09/13/2019 - 15:32

School work

Go to first class

Finish class walk around 

Next class in same hall

Do some homework

Meet with Grad Lab TA

Do homework



Go to frank/eat

Go to Worcester/eat

Go to hamp/eat


Morning/night routine

Wake up to alarm

Check phone

Get up from bed

Drink water

Go to the bathroom

Get changed

brush teeth

Do some HW if I have any

Get my school stuff


Get changed





Go to gym

Hang out with friends

Hang out



Head out to bus stop

Get off bus by fine arts center

Wait for bus

Go back to apartment

Drive to campus

Drive back to apartment


Paragraph for morning/night routine

On a daily basis I wake up at 9:30 AM to my alarm and turn it off. Then I check my phone for any emails or messages I should be responding to, mainly school emails or friends and family. Once I'm ready, I get up from my bed and stretch a bit before standing up. From here I go to the kitchen and drink some water because I get thirsty at night. I go to the bathroom and then back to my room to get changed. If I had missd any work in from last night I try nd get some done during this time. My stuff school is generally sprawled out on my desk so I pack it up in my bag. Now I'm ready to go out to the bus and go to school. Having this routine prepares me for the day and anything I may come across. When my day has concluded I make sure to shower and clean myself up before bed. I leave the shower and get changed for bed. From here I try and fall asleep quick to get the most amount of time sleeping

In-class Exercises

Submitted by imadjidov on Fri, 09/13/2019 - 15:30
  • Woke up 

  • Fixed the bed

  • Took a shower

  • Put some clothes on

  • Walked downstairs to eat breakfast

  • Rushed out the door

  • Turned on the car and started to drive

  • Got stuck on BigE traffic

  • Drove for 30 minutes

  • Parked the vehicle in Lot12

  • Rushed to the bust stop

  • Missed the bus

  • Waited for another bus

  • Made it on time to class

  • Participated

  • Walked to the cafe and had breakfast

  • Advising some students during the advising hours

  • Met with a friend to finish a hw

  • Tried to get lunch, but realized card was left at the car


Activities in the house: (60 minutes)

  • Waking up

  • Fixing the bed

  • Taking a shower

  • Clothes 

  • Walking to the car

Vehicle: (60 minute)

  • Turning on the car and starting to drive

  • Getting stuck in traffic

  • Driving

  • Parking

Bus Stop: (30 minute)

  • Rushing to the bus stop

  • Missing the bus

  • Waiting for another bus

Campus: (180 minute)

  • Made it on time for class

  • Participated

  • Breakfast at the Cafe

Advising: (360 minutes)

  • Advised two students at the CNS office

Meeting: (60 minute)

  • Meeting to discuss homework

Bus Stop #2: (30 minute)

  • Leaving money in the car

  • Taking a bus back to the car




I organized my daily activities as activities in the house, vehicle, bus stop, campus, advising, meeting, bus stop 2, and lunch. This morning I woke up without an alarm clock. I fixed my bed and took a shower. I did not have much time, so I quickly put on some clothes, and walked out to my car. I categorized such activities as being in my house. All such activities took a total of 60 minutes. The next activities took place in my vehicle. This consisted of turning on the car, getting stuck in traffic, and driving to the campus. All the activities took a total of 60 minutes. The next list of activities took place at the bus stop. I missed my first bus so I had to wait for another one. I made it to my morning class, I participated, and I had breakfast, which consisted of a single muffin. After my morning class, I did my advising hours. During advising, I helped two students with navigating Spire. After advising, I met with my classmate to work on homework that is due tonight. 

what I did in a day

Submitted by ziweiwang on Fri, 09/13/2019 - 15:30

The category that I have the most activities on is hygiene. However, when I listed the amount of time that I spent on each activity, I also spent the least amount of time on hygiene. I think that this is due to the fact that while there are many varieties of things that I do throughout the day that is related to hygiene but none of them actually take very long.  For example, brushing teeth and washing face only takes 5 min even the longest activity in this category, taking a bath, 45 min, is still shorter than things like reading, which I do at stretches of hours at a time. It is also interesting, at least to me that this category is the most reflexive of all of the categories. almost everything comes in the sets of twos. I brush my teeth twice a day. I change twice, I put on make up, and I take it off. This shows that the category often bookends the day. This is different from things like work where I just do a certain thing at a certain time and never come back to it at a later time. The short time, the number of activity and the fact that it bookends the day indicates that this category of the day is something that is necessary to my daily life but is not necessarily something that I would think to myself that this is something that I'm going to do today.











General Daily Routine

Submitted by bpmccarthy on Fri, 09/13/2019 - 15:28

Things I did on campus

  • Went to class
  • Went to the library to do homework
  • Ate lunch
  • Went to the gym and worked out

Things I did at home

  • Woke up
  • Got dressed
  • Made and ate breakfast
  • Did the dishes
  • Brushed my teeth
  • Did homework
  • Watched TV
  • Got ready for bed
  • Went to sleep

Getting ready

  • Brushed my teeth
  • Showered
  • Put in contacts
  • Getting dressed

Places I went to eat

  • Dining Hall
  • Home

Places I went to do homework/study

  • Library
  • Home



I woke and checked my phone. After looking at my phone for 10 or so minutes, I get out of bed and go to the bathroom. I then head to the kitchen where I make breakfast and eat it. After I’m done with breakfast, I wash any dishes I used and return to my room to get dressed. After I get dressed, I brush my teeth and put in my contact lenses. I then gather anything I need for school and leave my house for my car. I drive to campus lot 12 and then walk to class. After being in class I head to the library to get some work done. I then head to the dining hall to eat some lunch, after which is usually time for my next class. After my last class, I head to the gym to work out. I then head back to my car and drive back home. Once inside I shower and then eat some dinner. If there is work, I feel needs to be done I would then do it, otherwise I would relax and watch TV or play guitar. Once I’m tired, I’ll get ready for bed and then go to sleep.

Daily routine

Submitted by smomalley on Fri, 09/13/2019 - 15:28

Categories of the day:

- morning

My morning routine is almost the same every day, the timing varies depending on when my classes or work starts. In the morning I wake up, shut off my alarm, and sit on my phone for a few minutes. I get out of bed and go to the bathroom to shower. After that I go to the kitchen for breakfast. For breakfast I have vanilla yogurt and fruit. I sit at the kitchen table and talk to my roommates. After breakfast I go to my room to get dressed and ready for the day. I pack my backpack with my charger, notebooks, laptop, a snack, and my waterbottle. I put my headphones in and walk out the door, locking it behind me, and walk down the street to the bus stop. The bus is usually late so I stand at the bus stop while other people arrive to wait. I get on the bus and stand while the bus makes its way to campus. I get off the bus at the ILC and walk to my first class. Almost everyday by first class is in Hasbrouke. I sit in class and take notes while the professor lectures. When the class ends I made my way to bluewall to get lunch. 

- afternoon

- eat lunch, go to class, take the bus home, walk from the bus stop to my house, go in and talk with my roommates

- evening

- make dinner, eat, clean my dishes, sit in the living room, do homework, watch netflix, get ready for bed, sit on my phone, go to sleep

Day's activities

Submitted by zalam on Fri, 09/13/2019 - 15:27


I woke up at 7AM and brushed my teeth, after which I picked an outfit and changed. I met my friends outside of my dorm and we walked to class together. I had a granola bar on the way. The first class was a 50 minute Psychology lecture. At the end of it I walked over to Tobin for my neurobiology research lab and Nisl stained microscope slides for 2 hours. Then I went to my second class of the day for another 50 minutes - History lecture. I had some time at hand, so I had lunch and did some homework at the Campus Center. Finally I went to the last class of the day – Biochemistry and at the end of it, walked over to a lab meeting for my psychology lab, which had lasted for 1 hour. I had dinner at Frank and then went back to my room. 


Food/Meals - Granola bar, Lunch, Dinner

Labs - Neurobiology lab; Psychology lab

Academics/classes - Biochemistry, History, Psychology



On my way to class, I had a chocolate Cliff bar to avoid missing breakfast. Around 1:10pm, I had a longer break than usual, so I first walked over to the library to get food. However, they were almost out and there was a long line of people waiting. Then I decided to go to Blue Wall and get a rice bowl from Tamales. After my lab meeting ended around 6PM, I decided to meet up with my friends for dinner at Franklin dining hall. It took us a while to find a table and settle down. Then I went to the sandwich station to get a tuna sandwich. 

Average Day

Submitted by rbudnick on Fri, 09/13/2019 - 15:26

The categories I created were: sleep, food, academics, and leisure.
I am not providing a list of all my daily activities.

The category I will be detailing is academics. This encompasses anything to do with school and my education.
This begins early in the morning when my alarm goes off, always set an hour and a half before my first class to give ample time to do anything else I need to do before class. It takes about 5 minutes to check over my email for information about the day’s classes and to check the class websites for announcements and check on assignments. Next, I head to class, between 10 and 1 depending on the day. Walking to class takes between 10 and 15 minutes depending on the class location. Class each day can take between 3 and 6 hours. This includes the 5-10 minute walks needed to get from each class to the next. Once class is over I head home, where I write a list of what homework needs to be done for the evening or for the next few days. I spend 60 to 120 minutes initially doing homework that needs to be done, usually that time is spent doing readings for the course. I continue doing homework for another 120 or more minutes after a short break, and if needed continue after dinner break. I will spend around 5 minutes before bed sending emails or asking questions to classmates or professors as needed. This has an upper estimate of 281 minutes a day spent on academics.

Daily Routine

Submitted by nskinner on Fri, 09/13/2019 - 15:26

Morning Routine: 8am-10am

  • I woke up
  • I grabbed my dogs’ leash and put her collar on and walked my dog
  • Brushed teeth
  • Fed all my pets
  • Made a cup of coffee and drank coffee
  • Replaced the seat to my bike
  • Showered
  • Got dressed for work
  • Made myself a lunch to bring to work.

Errands 10:00am-10:20am

  • Drove to PetSmart.
  • Stopped at PetSmart along the way.
  • Purchased bird seed at PetSmart

Work Routine 10:20am-8:45pm

  • Drove to work
  • Clocked in at work
  • Started to look at appointments on my schedule
  • Saw several appointments
  • Took lunch
  • Saw more appointment
  • Cleaned the hospital treatment area
  • Drove home

Nightly Routine 8:45pm-11pm

  • Showered again
  • Ate dinner
  • Wrote for about 30 minutes for this class.
  • Watched Netflix
  • Went to bed


My morning routine starts with waking up and ends with getting ready for work. In between those activities are various things that I need to get done every morning as well some as to-do list activities that get done occasionally. On Thursday morning this week I woke up naturally without an alarm clock at about 7:00am. I brushed my teeth. The first thing I do every morning after brushing my teeth is grab my dogs’ collar and leash and put them on her and take her for a walk. I then go back inside with her and take her leash off. I feed her, my cats, my birds, and lastly my tortoise. I then made a cup of coffee from a pot of coffee that was already made by someone else and drank it. Once I finished my cup of coffee I went out to my garage and replaced the seat to my bike with tools that were located in the garage. I then went back into my house and showered. After showering, I got dressed in my scrubs for work. It then packed my lunch by grabbing a tuber ware of left overs out of the fridge and putting it in my work bag.

AQ 9/13 In-class Exercise

Submitted by atquang on Fri, 09/13/2019 - 15:25

I woke up and brushed my teeth.

I greeted a floormate “Good morning.”

I got changed for school.

I decided what should or should not be in my backpack.

I walked to physics class.

On the way to class, I opened up Pokemon Go to swipe at Pokestops.I sat in physics class.

I got an email for a lab research opportunity during class

I walked to Morill to meet up with the professor and I was able to get the position.

I signed a paper to be able to take 1 credit from the lab as Independent Study.

I went to Worcester Dining Hall to eat.

I studied for my EMT test on Saturday while in Worcester until it was almost time to head for my next class.

I walked to genetics class.

I sat in genetics class.

I walked to the wrong room for my writing in biology class, but shortly got notified and found the right room.

I sat in my writing in biology class.




I walked to physics class.

I walked to Morill to meet up with the professor and I was able to get the position.

I walked to genetics class.

I walked to the wrong room for my writing in biology class, but shortly got notified and found the right room.


I sat in physics class.

I sat in genetics class.

I sat in my writing in biology class.


I woke up and brushed my teeth.

I got changed for school.

I decided what should or should not be in my backpack.

I studied for my EMT test on Saturday while in Worcester until it was almost time to head for my next class.


I greeted a floormate “Good morning.”

On the way to class, I opened up Pokemon Go to swipe at Pokestops.

I got an email for a lab research opportunity during class

I signed a paper to be able to take 1 credit from the lab as Independent Study.

I went to Worcester Dining Hall to eat.




    Walking is nothing more than a chore when trying to go from one place to the other. As a student, walking is the primary way of transportation. What feels worse is not knowing where to go when you are walking. Realizing you are walking the opposite direction of your destination makes you know your effort has gone down the drain. On the other hand, walking the same direction of your destination while knowing you haven’t made it to the end yet can feel less hopeless, as you can physically see progress being made each step of the way. It is hard for humans to continue to do something without seeing progress, but walking inhibits this. One special exception is when you are walking on a treadmill, in which you are going nowhere, and the only thing you know is that your heavy breathing is related to the extra burger you decided to eat for yesterday’s lunch. Walking with purpose is the key to gain motivation, whether it is to your academic classes, or to a job interview you have been excited for.


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