I woke up to my roommate's alarm.
I climbed out of bed to make coffee.
I reached under the kitchen sink to remove my metal tub of coffee grounds and coffee filters.
I disposed of the coffee grounds left in the machine from yesterday and set up a new pot of coffee.
While that brews I prepare myself for the day by getting dressed and brushing teeth.
I bring up the daily new podcasts on my phone to listen to the recap of the presidential debates as I eat my pumpkin pie and drink my orange juice.
I dumped my coffee into my coffee mug with some milk.
I head to my civil war discussion section.
I walk to shade tree labs for my pre med advising with wilmore webley.
I walk to Durfey so that I can do work outside.
I walk to blue wall to get food.
I order a sandwich from the Deli.
I took the sandwich to the geology lounge in order to consume it.
I completed an assignment for my Roman history class.
I walked to the BCRC to attend Writing and Biology.
Walking: walking between buildings
Preparing: preparing the coffee, the podcast, and myself
Eating: I ate the pumpkin pie and the sandwich
Drinking: I drank the coffee and the orange juice
Working: I did work for class
Walking acts as my primary mode of transportation around campus. I spend approximately most of my time ambling between Morrill and the Honors College. This 7-10 minute stroll accommodates the largest distance I must walk, therefore taking the most time. Once I am on the other side of campus, where Morrill is located, most of my walks will not take longer than 5 minutes. The walk between Morrill and Blue Wall falls in the middle of the day and marks the time where I purchase lunch. I will then walk with my lunch to various locations to consume it. Today I again walked for 5 minutes from Blue Wall to Morrill so that I can eat my lunch in the geology lounge. Sometimes I get ambitious and walk around Morrill without a map when I need to find a professor’s office. In that case I spend an extra 15 minutes lost in Morrill until I give up and look at a map. At the end of the day, after walking around to all my classes, I amble back to my dorm to eat a snack. From there I walk three minutes to the gym where I walk up the stair climber for approximately 15 minutes. After I walk back to my dorm, my strolls cease for the day unless I go to visit a friend.
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