School work
Go to first class
Finish class walk around
Next class in same hall
Do some homework
Meet with Grad Lab TA
Do homework
Go to frank/eat
Go to Worcester/eat
Go to hamp/eat
Morning/night routine
Wake up to alarm
Check phone
Get up from bed
Drink water
Go to the bathroom
Get changed
brush teeth
Do some HW if I have any
Get my school stuff
Get changed
Go to gym
Hang out with friends
Hang out
Head out to bus stop
Get off bus by fine arts center
Wait for bus
Go back to apartment
Drive to campus
Drive back to apartment
Paragraph for morning/night routine
On a daily basis I wake up at 9:30 AM to my alarm and turn it off. Then I check my phone for any emails or messages I should be responding to, mainly school emails or friends and family. Once I'm ready, I get up from my bed and stretch a bit before standing up. From here I go to the kitchen and drink some water because I get thirsty at night. I go to the bathroom and then back to my room to get changed. If I had missd any work in from last night I try nd get some done during this time. My stuff school is generally sprawled out on my desk so I pack it up in my bag. Now I'm ready to go out to the bus and go to school. Having this routine prepares me for the day and anything I may come across. When my day has concluded I make sure to shower and clean myself up before bed. I leave the shower and get changed for bed. From here I try and fall asleep quick to get the most amount of time sleeping
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