Results Methods
Panel A
Panel marker A is in the lower left-hand corner in Figure 1 while in Figure 2 it’s in the upper left-hand corner. The size of the letter in Figure 1 is larger and centered while the marker for Figure 2 is smaller and off-center. The image in Figure 1 is upright while the image in Figure 2 is sideways. The lighting in Figure 1 is brighter whereas the lighting in Figure 2 is darker. The leaf in Figure 1 is green and attached to a tree while the leaf in Figure 2 is brown and on the ground. The camera angle in Figure 1 is slightly downward while the angle in Figure 2 is directed straight downward.
Panel B
Panel Marker B is in the lower left-hand corner in Figure 1 while in Figure 2 it’s in the upper left-hand corner. The size of the letter in Figure 1 is larger and centered while the marker for Figure 2 is smaller and off-center. The image in Figure 1 is upright while the image in Figure 2 is sideways. The lighting in Figure 1 is brighter whereas the lighting in Figure 2 is darker. The size of the arrow in Figure 1 is skinny and long while the arrow in Figure 2 is short and wide. Lederle and the PSB are in the background of Figure 1 while Hotel UMass is in the background of Figure 2. The arrow in Figure 1 points upward, while the arrow in Figure 2 points downward.
Panel C
Panel marker C is in the lower left-hand corner in Figure 1 while in Figure 2 it’s in the upper left-hand corner. The size of the letter in Figure 1 is larger and centered while the marker for Figure 2 is smaller and off-center. The circle identifying where the plant was found is circular in Figure 1 and Ovular in Figure 2. The circle in Figure 1 is located in the upper-middle portion of the map, while the circle in Figure 2 is located in the lower left-hand corner of the map. The arrow pointing towards this circle is black in Figure 1 and red in Figure 2. Figure 1 includes landmarks such as the ISB, Hotel UMass and Hasbrouck while Figure 2 does not. Figure 2 includes landmarks such as the PSB, part of Lederle and part of Northeast Residential while Figure 1 does not.
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