Histo-Tips: The textbook tends to have perfect quality images of specimens at high magnifications, instead try looking at your classmates’ more realistic images when studying for a practical.
Because you're so zoomed in, it's hard to tell, but I think you've flipped the gray and white matter. The butterfly shaped part of the spinal cord, which is darker, is the gray matter, while the lighter outer tissue is the white matter. This also means your label of the GC is not right- since the GC is in the grey matter. When redoing this, I would try to retake a picture that is more zoomed out so it's easier to actually see what's in the image. Also, please include objective mag. in the image title.
Because you're so zoomed in,
Because you're so zoomed in, it's hard to tell, but I think you've flipped the gray and white matter. The butterfly shaped part of the spinal cord, which is darker, is the gray matter, while the lighter outer tissue is the white matter. This also means your label of the GC is not right- since the GC is in the grey matter. When redoing this, I would try to retake a picture that is more zoomed out so it's easier to actually see what's in the image. Also, please include objective mag. in the image title.
I redid the image!
I uploaded a new image with hopefully the appropriate labels!