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Lab 2: Modified Simple Columnar Epithelium, 20X

Submitted by mmwhelan on Tue, 02/06/2018 - 14:17

Large Intestine, mucous stain. Total magnification: 200X

Slide 26.

N - Nucleus

SC - simple columnar

GC - goblet cell

IG: intestinal gland

CT - connective tissue


Please include the total magnification in the image description with you key. Make sure that all labels in your image are just a letter or two, and then define them in your key (i.e. GC for goblet cell) to minimize words on the image. Put connective tissue and intenstinal gland in your key as well. For your SC label, you should bracket off a region of cells that are simple columnar (so anywhere in the image). Overall, nice image!