Histo-Tips: When trying to differentiate between veins and arteries, look for clearly defined layers (usually arteries) or the size of the lumen (usually collapsed in veins).
Overall, good job and nice image. When labeling anything in the image, try to use only 1-2 letters, rather than words (so use GC for goblet cell, and include it in your key). When labeling a certain type of epithelium, bracket off a region of that type of epithelium and label it, rather than just pointing to 1 specific cell. In your case, you probably want to label in modified simple columnar, if the bracketed region includes a goblet cell.
Overall, good job and nice
Overall, good job and nice image. When labeling anything in the image, try to use only 1-2 letters, rather than words (so use GC for goblet cell, and include it in your key). When labeling a certain type of epithelium, bracket off a region of that type of epithelium and label it, rather than just pointing to 1 specific cell. In your case, you probably want to label in modified simple columnar, if the bracketed region includes a goblet cell.