goal and method
The goal of the research is to validate a CRISPR/CAS9 inactivation treatment for the P23H mutant for Renintitis pigments and put the treatment to test in vivo using the AAV delivery system Experiment 1 that was shown in the study tested whether RHOgene allele-specific targeting could be achieved in vivo. To do this, the researchers attempted to deliver the CRISPER CAS9 VQR system components in the retina of mice by invivo electroporation. To do this, the researchers devised a vector that pCAG vector was electroporated with GFP reporter in the RHO Het eyes. The invivo efficiency was assessed by harvesting the eyes and purified by FACS sorting and molecular analysis was done. The mutation frequency of the wt rho gene was also analyzed to test the effect of treatment on Wt cells. From experiment 1, it has been noted that the P23H mutation had high rates of frameshift mutation which leads to the inactivation of RHO allele. The mutant allele is not effective in treating the disease. To asses, this problem The RHO gene mutations that occurred the most often were overexpressed in mice P19 cell line, and colocalization of the Rho n terminus antibody and Rho c terminus antibody. because the experiment 1 and two resulted in an efficient delivery of CRISPR/CAS9 elements in the retina, with targeting rate of the mutant gene, the researchers attempted to asses the photoreceptor degeneration in mice that was treated through an histological analysis to see what the result of the treatment in the degeneration of the photoreceptor cell. The histological study was done at 1 month. The same histological study was done again at 3months. To test the injection method of the treatment, the intravitreal injection of AAV2 variant was given, and the histological studies of the retina were performed for the expression of transgenes in the tissue as opposed to the retina specifically. The AAV-PHP mediated targeting of mutation of the whole retina was used with CRISPER/CAS9 was used and the two different approaches are both used, and the efficiency of treatment was assessed for the genetic change. In this experiment, the possibility of enriching for the editing events using GFP transduction using FACS sorting. Using the data that is observed in experiment 6, the researches subjected the High GFP and low GFP cells to NGS analysis to refine the indel analysis. To do this, a PCR of the RHO allele was done to asses their incidence and the editing frequency in retinal samples. This experiment aimed to confirm the selectivity of the approach for the P24H RHO allele.
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