Draft 8
Today one of my classes discussed GMOs and my professor purposefully made it a point to tip-toe around the debatable aspects of the modifications and methods of use while teaching the topic. Me being an aries would have prefered the debate, so instead I'll write my thoughts here. Firstly, the FDA finding the GMOs are not inherently dangerous and do not need to be regulated proves that the federal goverment needs more education. I agree that GMOs are not inherently dangerous, but they absolutely should be regulated by genetisists because modifying the DNA of an organism to be grown in exposed fields and allowed to contaminate nature and the endogenous genome of other organisms in the proximatey is highly dangerous. It is known that some species of GMOs are able to cross breed with weeds and like organisms in their original environments. This means that another organism's DNA can be crossed into uncontrolled species in the wild. Also, GMOs can cause very legitimate problems in the diversity of a species. If all the different alleles of a farm grown species were cut down to a single allele that was controlled because it produced the most wanted product, it presents real issues. The possibility of complete wipeout from a new disease or virus that affects the plants is a reality that people need to be aware of.
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