I saw a green leaf. This leaf divided in 3 smaller leaves in which some areas may be rotten or mal-nurished in the time they were still attached to the earth. It appeared to be an unhealthy leaf. It had many veins, and smaller sized veins within the larger ones. It had a hole in the first leaf to the left. The edges were curvy, resembling a wave. I noticed that most leaves have smooth edges, unlike this one. When it comes to identifying its color, it had a vibrant green color, resembling the grass. On the back of the leaf, it had a transluscent light green. Within the rotten areas, there were squiggly brown lines that I am yet to find out their significance,and some parts ofthe curvy lines are darker than the others. I would assume that the rotten parts were some sort of insect leaving its markings, or a lack of nutrients in that leaf. Additionally, it smelled extremely fresh, as if it had been picked off its original home not too long ago. It was rough like a sand paper, and not smooth like most fuzzy summer leaves. It was extremely thin, in which it feels as if you are holding a piece of paper. it is not very strong nor rigid and it could have been ripped very easily. If you had fit it in my palm, it layed perfectly, so I would assume I could compare it to the size of an average woman's palm. The dimensions were 70 x 80 mm. The length is 70 mm and the width is 80 mm. To enter my leaf in depth, and to analzye it so deeply that we can find it if it was mixed with the rest of the leaves, I could see that the very first leaf to the left (if the whole leaf was facing you) has a hole in it. The squiggly lines are found right at the tip of the leaf, in the third subdivision of the veins. The top middle leaf, facing up,has a squiggly line in the 6th subdivision of the veins. Finally, th 3rd leaf, facing right, had the biggest set of squiggly lines, one in the right half subdivision of veins facing up, and one in the second half facing down. I also knew it is my leaf based on the way it was cut. The cut is on an angle, but the left side is the more potent angle.
Good sizing references
I appreciated you using commonly known objects to compare your observation to in order for the reader to better envision what you saw.
When you describe the subdivision of the leaf veins, I think it would benefit the reader for you to explicitly define a subdivision because it is not obvious what you would mean if I were looking at the leaf.
the first scentence is very
the first scentence is very short and doesn't serve as a topic sentence