I arrive on campus every Wednesday at around 9:10 am for my 9:25am physics lecture. During this class period, my table group and I work on word problems similar to the ones that will be on exams for practice. When this class ends at 10:40, my next class isn't until 12:20, so I have time in between to work om some homework. I usually stop working at around 11:30 to go to Blue Wall to grab lunch with a friend. After eating my rice bowl with chicken, I head over to the Morrill Science I where I have a genetics class. This lecture requires more note taking than the physics lecture. Class ends at 1:10 and I immediately walk to the ISB for my biology lab class that begins at 1:25. The work done in this lab varies on what the protocol calls for. For example, last week during lab, I dissected zebrafish brain and treated zebrafish with different drugs to continue the overall experiement for the semester. At 5:25, when lab is over, I walk to Blue Wall to eat dinner before heading back to my apartment to finally get a chance to relax.
you can reword 'word problems similar to the ones that will be on exams for practice' to 'practice word problems similar to those on the exam'
With scientific writing, I
With scientific writing, I would avoid using words like “usually” when you wrote “I usually stop working” and try to be more blunt and to the point. I was taught in my animal behavior class that we should write as if everything that is happening is in present time and not to leave any words that could insinuate the past, future or uncertainty. So saying “usually” is an indicator that the action was different at one point in the past. I may be wrong but that’s what I was told!
I think that since this is a
I think that since this is a specific day, (for example you said that you were solving some problems in practice for an exam) I would just omit the usually. If you were summarizing what you usually do that would be fine since the assignment wasn't something like a methods assignment where everything had to be replicable. If it was something like methods assignment, then even if you vary your routines, I would avoid usually.