Histo-Tips: Make a notebook with hand-drawn pictures of all the cells and tissues from lab. It will help you remember the structures and depending on your plans for after graduation, it might be helpful in the future too.
I don't think this is mulilocular adipose tissue- I think this is just debris/maybe red blood cells in the kidney. Go back and try to look around the edges of the kidney tissue to fine multilocular adipose cells- they should look somewhat clear with lots of droplets of fat in them, and the nucleus is pushed off to the side.
I don't think this is
I don't think this is mulilocular adipose tissue- I think this is just debris/maybe red blood cells in the kidney. Go back and try to look around the edges of the kidney tissue to fine multilocular adipose cells- they should look somewhat clear with lots of droplets of fat in them, and the nucleus is pushed off to the side.
I think this is now the correct image
I have revised my post