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Lab 7 Digestive and accessory organs
Stomach 20x
Large Intestine 4x
Large Intestine 10X
Total magnification: 100X
GI: intestinal glands
SubM: submucosa
Muc: mucosa
MM: muscularis mucosae
LP: lamina propria
Gall Bladder 10X
L: Lumen
MV: Microvilli
SCE: Simple Columnar Epithelium
LP: Lamina Propria
M: Mucosa
ME: Muscularis Externa
Objective Magnification: 10X
Total Magnification: 100X
Liver 10x
Pancreas, 10X
Small Intestine x4
Total Magnification: x40
ME: Muscularis Externa, CL: crypts of Lieberkuhn, SM: Submucosa, L: Lumen, V: Villi, MV: microvilli
Stomach 40x
Pig Liver 4x
Total magnificaiton: 40x
Objective magnification: 4x
L: lobule
CV: central vein
PT: portal triad (hepatic artery, portal vein, bile duct)
S: Sinusoids
H: hepatocytes