Elastic Connective Tissue 40x
Stain of tissue from a pig aorta.
RBC = red blood cells
CT = connective tissue
N = nucleus
E = elastic fibers
Total magnification = 400x
Stain of tissue from a pig aorta.
RBC = red blood cells
CT = connective tissue
N = nucleus
E = elastic fibers
Total magnification = 400x
Total magnificaiton: 200x
objective magnificaiton: 20x
A= adipocyte
N= nucleus
DICT= dense irregular connective tissue
Total Magnification: 200X
DICT: Dense Irregular Connective Tissue
LCT: Loose Connective Tissue
GE: Glandular Epithelium
DICT: Dense Irregular Connective Tissue
N: Nucleus
L: Lumen
A: Adipose Cells
Total Magnification: 100x