Histo-Tips: The textbook tends to have perfect quality images of specimens at high magnifications, instead try looking at your classmates’ more realistic images when studying for a practical.
The section you have labeled as TI is the TM. Then the TM/TA area is just TA. In veins, you see none or just a few layers of smooth muscle, and then a larger amount of tunica adventitia. You often can't see the tunica intima - that's ok if it's not visible in your image.
The section you have labeled
The section you have labeled as TI is the TM. Then the TM/TA area is just TA. In veins, you see none or just a few layers of smooth muscle, and then a larger amount of tunica adventitia. You often can't see the tunica intima - that's ok if it's not visible in your image.