Human Kidney Objective: 10X Total Magnification: 100X RC: Renal Corpuscle BC: Bowman's Capsule KT: Kidney Tubules MR: Medullary Rays Lab: Lab 6 Urinary exocrine and endocrine Comments What you have labeled as the What you have labeled as the Bowman's capsule is actually the glomerulus. The Bowman's capsule is the capsule around the glomerulus - the layer around the renal corpuscle. Everything else is correct - just fix that label please.
What you have labeled as the What you have labeled as the Bowman's capsule is actually the glomerulus. The Bowman's capsule is the capsule around the glomerulus - the layer around the renal corpuscle. Everything else is correct - just fix that label please.
What you have labeled as the
What you have labeled as the Bowman's capsule is actually the glomerulus. The Bowman's capsule is the capsule around the glomerulus - the layer around the renal corpuscle. Everything else is correct - just fix that label please.