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Heath Benefits of Spicy Food

Submitted by asalamon on Fri, 12/06/2019 - 12:46

Due to the increased use of capsaicinoid and tolerance of capsicums in the human diet, other health benefits emerged as a consequence.  In Tsuchiya’s study of the effects of capsaicinoids on membrane fluidity, bacterial growth and platelet aggregation were the two subjects (2001).  The lipid form of capsaicinoids were able to interact with the membrane in bacterial cells, inhibiting their growth (Tsuchiya, 2001). This effect on bacteria could result in capsaicinoids being essential in maintaining a healthy gut biome for an individual who was raised in an environment with a high spicy food tolerance.  Gastrointestinal disease has been reported to be decreased with capsaicin consumption (Deng et. al., 2016). In platelets of humans, rabbits, and rats, capsaicinoids were shown to decrease their aggregation (Truchiya, 2001). Capsaicin has already been proven in other studies to decrease cardiovascular disease (Deng et. al., 2016).  The effects of membrane fluidity could be one of the physiological changes within the body which decreased cardiovascular disease. In China, a study was conducted to determine if chili intake and capsaicin had any effect on the obesity of the population (Shi, Riley, Taylor, & Page, 2017). Although this was one of the first conclusive studies done involving obesity, there was conclusive evidence that chili intake had an inverse effect on obesity and might provide a low cost solution to obesity problems in China (Shi, Riley, Taylor, & Page, 2017).  Through the decrease of obesity, there is a multitude of other health complications that can be relieved. One of the flaws with the studies on the health benefits of capsaicinoid consumption is the lack of physiological understanding within the body of how it alters the health of the individual. Until these pathways are fully understood, there will be a slew of health benefits that are not maximized.   

