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AQ 12/4 Draft

Submitted by atquang on Wed, 12/04/2019 - 12:42

Based on the premise that since all living things have the same DNA, that DNA from one organism can still be read and expressed when transferred to another organism (genetic engineering). Monsanto is a company that produces genetically modified organisms. They have made plants such that round up, a herbicide and carcinogen, would not be effective against vegetation. This is concerning because we are consuming dangerous compounds. An interesting topic to think about is the ruling of GMOs. GMOs are not considered GMOs if they are produced via CRISPR-Cas9, versus a product produced by a "gene gun" which is considered a GMO because we are taking DNA from one organism and inserting it into another. One example in which genetic engineering can be seen as a positive result is the modification of fast food potatoes. McDonald's takes advantage of genetic engineering to get rid of formaldehyde that can synthesize in potatoes when cooked at a high temperature. This lets us consume fast food safely, while letting companies mass-produce safe food for consumption.
