Using a pipet, transfer the cooled contents into a centrifuge tube containing water (1 mL) and mix the contents together. To see the different layers, add saturated NaCl solution (~2 mL). After the layers are defined, removed the lower aqueous layer and place it in a waste beaker. To the centrifuge, add saturated aqueous sodium bicarbonate (~1 mL), mix the solution and remove the lower waste layer. Repeat this process needs to be done an additional time. After adding saturated aqueous sodium chloride (~1mL) to the ester, mix thoroughly and remove the lower layer to waste beaker. From the centrifuge, move the organic layer into a vial and add anhydrous CaCl2 (5 spheres) to remove any remaining water and let stand for five min. Using a pipet, move the product to a tarred vial and calculate the mass and yield of the product (0.857g, 59.8%). In addition, perform an infrared spectrometry test and observe the smell coming from the product.
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