The restriction digests for Agouti and TYRP1 are then analyzed by running an agarose gel. Agouti and TYRP1 restriction digests are performed in separate gels. Gel electrophoresis is performed by first pouring 3.0 g high-resolution agarose into a prepared gel box. A comb is immediately inserted into the gel and removed when the gel has solidified. The gel is then covered with 1x TAE buffer until the top of the box is covered. The ladder is premade and given by Assistant Gregory Teicher. Restriction digest products are prepared by adding 3 µL of SmartGlow (a dye). 12 µL of digests and ladders are loaded in any order, being sure each lane is labeled and given the correct solution. The settings for the gel are set to no timer (infinite) and a voltage of 115 V. The gel is stopped when looked Assistant Teicher approves of the gel.
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