The first step to identifying our dog’s phenotype was to collect and isolate the dog DNA. Professor Kari Loomis gave the team a sample of dog DNA. The Dog DNA was obtained by drying swabbed cheek cells. Isolation/purification of dog DNA was performed by lysing cells (with 20 µL Proteinase K and 400 µL buffer AL in 56°C for 10 minutes), precipitating DNA with alcohol (using 95% ethanol) to collect on spin column and washing the DNA on the spin column by passing fluid through the filter while leaving behind solid DNA. The sample was rewashed using the supernatant six times at 1 minute, and one time at 3 minutes to ensure maximum concentration of DNA yield. The sample is then eluted (in 50 µL AE buffer) and is labeled Dog 9. The quantity and quality of the sample were checked using the NanoDrop machine, which calculates the concentration of DNA yield.
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