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Violence in the Medical System

Submitted by asalamon on Thu, 10/31/2019 - 23:13

Structural inequalities are found in societies not only create environments were disease can thrive within those of lower position but also increase the stress of those same people's life which increases their stress even more.  One of the most impactful stories from these week's reading that resonated with these issues was the increased change of pre-term births as well as infant mortality.  This pattern was found across education levels of African Americans (an atypical birthing pattern) in the United States which indicated not just a case of structural violence but as well as cultural violence.  Cultural violence is key in normalizing all the structural violence which is why it took so long for these patterns to be recognized and accepted by science.  Structural violence is often hidden within society.  Those who created the system of violence and power are often those who benefit from the structure and do not want to accept its flaws to the minority for the sake of it turning on them.  Another key theory in violence theory is the fear of the unknown (additional stress).  When in a medical system with no understanding of what is going on around them and in their body brings this fear to the forefront of worry.  As a result, violence entails either in aggression to the medical system or it riddles the human body.
