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Sex Influenced Traits

Submitted by asalamon on Sun, 10/27/2019 - 02:03

Modes of inhertiance can vary greatly depending on what gene is being expressed.  In sex influenced traits, autosomal traits are influeced by the sex of the individual.  For example, in the gene that leads to baldness, it is dominatnt in men.  This means if they have the big "P" they are going to have the trait for baldness.  In females, the trait is recessive.  This means it is much less likely for the female to exibit the trait.  They would need to big "P"s to exhibit the trait.  Although the trait is not coded on the sex chromosomes, Y and X, it is influenced by the traits expressed.  Due to the difference in inhertitance, there is a probability a man would exhibit the trait is larger than a female exhibiting the trait.
