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Methods for Proposal Project part 3

Submitted by nkantorovich on Fri, 10/25/2019 - 14:55

We will align the grid along the same line as the pushpin and repeat this step moving upwards until we reach the 1 meter push pin mark. We will count the amount of lichen in the grid. The grid has 100 squares and we will count how many times the certain lichen appear in those squares. The data will be recorded in this order, (Tree 1: Sugar Maple, Lichen: crustose 20/100, foliose 50/100, fruticose 10/100). Once each tree is identified with lichen and all of the data is recorded, we will remove the flags from the plot. This process will be repeated in the southwest forrest area. All of the data will then be recorded in an excel spreadsheet and saved for later analysis. 

